In Defence of Marxism #42

40,00 kr.

Dette nummer er af IMT’s teoretiske magasin In Defense of Marxism handler om ‘staten og klassekampen’, og indeholder følgende artikler:

  • Editorial: “The state and the class struggle”
  • Introduction from Class Struggle in the Roman Republic
  • Demagogues and Dictators: What is Bonapartism?
  • Bonapartism and Fascism (by Leon Trotsky)
  • How can we be free? A Marxist critique of The Dawn of Everything
  • The revolutionary dialectic of Honoré de Balzac

Søgeord: In defence of marxism, teori, revolution, bonapartisme, staten, klassekamp


Dette nummer er af IMT’s teoretiske magasin In Defense of Marxism handler om ‘staten og klassekampen’, og indeholder følgende artikler:

  • Editorial: “The state and the class struggle”
  • Introduction from Class Struggle in the Roman Republic
  • Demagogues and Dictators: What is Bonapartism?
  • Bonapartism and Fascism (by Leon Trotsky)
  • How can we be free? A Marxist critique of The Dawn of Everything
  • The revolutionary dialectic of Honoré de Balzac

Søgeord: In defence of marxism, teori, revolution, bonapartisme, staten, klassekamp

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